Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
They are definitely on the decline but Calabrese was a capo in the crew, not the boss of the whole crew, so not sure why you'd think the entire thing would have folded up.

I guess when those guys got convicted, some other family/crew like Melrose or Elmwood absorbed the remaining guys.

Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
They probably had nothing to do with it. They haven't the manpower to compete with the Chinese down there anymore. They haven't had it for quite some time.

I think that the Outfit has more men than the Chinese, honestly. Triads ain't got so much power in the states, at least that's what I've heard. Think about the entire organization, the old guys are smart, experienced, therefore they're on the top, whilst the young, strong and brutal are beneath, doing the heavy lifting / beating, killing, intimidating etc.

As long as they have to or three ''large'' strong guys, they can collect debts from the Russians. And obviously, these ch*nks aren't too professional...

If a guy fucking tripped over a banana peel, they'd bring me in for it.