Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Alfa_Romeo
I've checked out Mickey's plastic surgery and you know what? I've seen worse. Yes he does look a tad like a science experiment, but there are far worse specimens out there walking around.

Oh, yeah. It's not like he looks like the the famous Cat Lady here in Manhattan. And he's been fortunate because he was able to reverse the worst of it with his most recent operations. He should just leave it alone now.

I like Mickey (hence the old avatar). But generally speaking I have no sympathy for Hollywood types who ruin themselves with plastic surgery. They have all the money in the world and it's still not enough. Their sense of entitlement has grown to include that they shouldn't age like everybody else.

I don't really think it's entitlement. I think they are embarrassed to deteriorate and become "ugly" in full public view. In other words, all the surgery is an effort to keep up their image (and by extension their career). But if they over do it, they get mocked anyhow, don't they. And they can't get out of the game....because they need the money. Their real cash flow is only going to be one tenth of their net worth. A person with one million is only worth 100K a year passive cash flow. So these people require LOTS of money to maintain their lifestyle, and to keep up appearances....they have to keep hustling. Being as this is the Gangster Bulletin Board, that scenario ought to sound familiar.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."