Originally Posted By: Alfa_Romeo
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: mobcleve
While Robert Lacey claims Lansky was basically broke at the time of his death, his daughter claims he transferred millions to his younger brother, Jake. Agreed he lost millions in Cuba but hardly broke at the time of his death.

meyer lansky was much to smart to die broke. he for sure didn't die without passing on his millions, I agree with you.

He was the mafia's banker. Of course he wasn't broke.

Legend says he set up an offshore bank in Switzerland to hide money for the mob in Swiss bank accounts.

Joe Pistone said that the Commission had its own sources of money, money that wasn't kicked up because it was already up. Now we know where that money originally was hidden, some of it at least.


sorry thats nothing but hear-say. if you guys want to mystify your heroes just go on that way. any serious researcher will just laugh. To joe pistone - there is no way a mob associate would've known that. hes making himself bigger as he was, as always. not trustworthy at all. please open your eyes a bit. As far as i know, based on proven facts, lansky was broke. and if you consider that he was just the bank, not the owner of the money, it makes def sense. he was out of power after cuba revoluzzed i would guess