Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Any info on him? I read what Wiki had to say, but I honestly have never heard of him before.

From the little I read in news articles he was incredibly powerful as a Genovese NJ capo and used to hide in trunks of cars to get to meetings undetected.

what crew was he a member of before becoming capo? Any insight is much appreciated, thanks guys

Is this a joke? Unless you're just starting reading about the mob, who hasn't heard of Tino Fiumara?

That's what I thought, too, Ivy. But he seems like a ice kid and I think his interest is genuine.

Well, in that case, it's been said on these forums that Fiumara was originally affiliated with the Philadelphia family. He got in trouble with Caponigro over something, Catena stepped in, and Tino was released to the Genovese family and eventually made into that organization.

It's a decade old now but the 2004 New Jersey OC report gives a good summary on the Fiumara crew. Of course, with him now dead, Mikey Coppola is the last known official captain of the crew with Michael Borelli the acting captain. The last info on Tino before he died had him on a three man panel running the family.

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