Originally Posted By: NickyWhip
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I've had it with the sniping from both ends of the political spectrum. I'm an Independent now. FDR himself couldn't draw me back into the Democratic camp. And Lincoln couldn't make me a Republican. I've had it.

This is exactly how I feel about the whole political game. I am a registered democrat because, well, I live in the northeast and support unions. But, as I get older, I have very little patience for anything outside of how politics directly affect our economic bottom line.

I am tired of giving shit away when I am struggling to keep what I have. But, I can't have the fucking republicans telling me what I am doing wrong, moraly, and economically.

Back in the 1930s, people would travel for miles if a guy like Roosevelt was visiting; nowadays, with our infastructure and ability to move seamlessly around the country, 9 of 10 middle class people go the other direction if they learn a politician, let alone the president is visiting within 50 miles of them.

I am very patriotic, but we really need to wake up. We are ruining ourselves.

I think this is a very fine post, what you said about the thirties compared to today is indeed sad, however we have ourselves to blame, never holding our elected pols accountable,

they are never held accountable for the wars they start, [ Lyndon Johnson, George bush ] they just retire with all the benefits in the world, and get libraries built for them, which none of them deserve.

all people who are elected need to be held accountable for their actions. my two cents.

" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"