Originally Posted By: TonyG
Most guys try to launder some of their illegal proceeds into tangible assets during their lifetime. John Gotti Jr. owns several rental houses for example.

It is AMAZING that the government allows convicted mobsters to actually keep ill gotten gains.

I seriously don't care if they ratted on the boss of Jupiter, the facts say there is an actual reward for doing the wrong thing.

Everyone can not understand why so many people (especially young ones) would want to even enter the mafia. I thought the only way you can leave is dead or in jail for life?.......I think at the mafia induction ceremonies, all inductees are well aware of option 3 which is, to acquire as much sh*t as I possibly can, hide a lot of it and, when I get caught, have enough info to nail the guy ranked above you. Then, you get to do a light sentence AND keep some of the stuff you never would have acquired in a 9-5.......Hmmmmm! why would anyone want to do that?. I WANT TO DO IT and I AM 35...Why not? I will have more in the end!

Examples of the escape goats who lived the life and got out with gains from it:

Joe Massino - Did like 8 years AND keeping the homes of his wife and Massino's mother as well as some rental properties

Gotti Jr. as mentioned above gets to keep stuff and roam the streets.

Seems like Michael Franzese is lying to the world. I will almost bet anything that he hid money from the gas tax scam and that is why he is so cheery!