"You want a table? I'm the right guy, then; I'm the maitre d," Merlino said Friday. "Hey, get these two a table."

Am I the only one that thinks that sounds ridiculous?

He's the maitre d. His job is to get people tables. He says he's maitre d. He tells someone else to get people tables.

And Dante.

You do realize the terms of his parole had not ended, right? It's standard procedure to monitor people like Joey Merlino until the terms of their parole end. The feds weren't doing anything wrong; they surely weren't harassing him. The fact that the guy was brazen (stupid) enough to consort with Ciancaglini kind of validates that procedure.

It's a lose lose situation. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I suppose if he was a 16 year old black kid slinging weed on the corner, nobody would bat an eyelid....

And the irony of those women (who should really know better) cooing over this person. The same guy who indiscriminately fired bullets all over Dante & Luigi's when he tried to kill Nicky Scarfo Jr. and would have given no fucks if an innocent was cut down.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.