Originally Posted By: thebigfella
@toodoped: that picture was taken after capone was released from prison, they called capone back to court in florida to find out when he will pay the rest of his taxes and that was abe explaining everything to him, I read nothing that says abe knew al before he went to prison, abe was ralph lawyer in the early 30's, he never represented al before alcatraz

I checked the picture and looks like you r right about it.Its taken in 1941,thanks for clearing that up @thebigfella.You are right about their relationship before Alcatraz and maybe i should delete Abe from the list.

But theres one old article from the LIFE magazine in 1951 which still gives me the doubts,quote "Ten years ago(meaning in 1941)Abraham enjoyed a good laught with his OLD friend and FORMER client Al Capone..." and also another newspaper article that says Abe had many underworld connections with top figures during the mid 30's.There also reports that Al's mother knew Abe since 1930.Also in 1932 Abe was ivolved in labor relations.

Either way since theres no other hard evidence ill delete Abe from the list.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good