Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
18 women have come forward, all with the same story. drugged and raped. what do you make of all this about bill cosby?

I think it's bogus. One of the most prominent accusers is Janice Dickinson. Since she's somewhat famous, her charges against Cosby might seem more credible, until you look into her past.

This lady was with Stallone and told him her child was his when it turns out it wasn't. She also said Stallone did steroids. Stallone called her a liar.

This lady said Bob Barker (from The Price is Right) coerced her into sex acts. But another woman claims that Janice performed oral sex on Bob Barker in her presence of her own free will.

Now she is claiming that Cosby drugged and raped her back in 82 and that she had to omit this from her book, probably due to pressure from the publisher. But instead of saying that Cosby raped her, she claimed that he actually rebuffed her advances and brushed her off. So which is it? Did he rape you and you woke up with semen dripping down your leg or did he brush you off? That's quite a contrast. It's one thing to omit a rape from your book. It's quite another to say you tried to get at someone and couldn't.

So she (Janice Dickinson) has no credibility. I don't trust the rest of the women accusing either. Why? Because of Tiger Woods.

With Tiger Woods, a bunch of women came out and said he fornicated with them. One of them was revealed to be someone who went to a bar with her boyfriend, and talked some random black guy into doing a porno with them. He agreed. So this fella being dark skinned uses body paint to lighten up his skin and impersonate Tiger Woods in a porno movie spoofing the golf great. She then takes this porno tape and tells the media that she has proof she was one of Tiger Wood's paramours. Unbelievable but true.

Based on people's propensity for lying against celebrities, whatever their ulterior motives, or whoever is behind them putting them up to it, I just don't see these allegations against Mr Bill Cosby as deserving of any serious merit unless someone can actually prove what they say. Period.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."