Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Of course I don't like the idea but the UK is a very politically correct place. Even if our country is going down the toilet it would be "terribly impolite" to actually mention it or blame anybody. The only consolation seems to be that just about every other country is on its way down the crapper as well....

France and Germany have an even bigger problem with Muslims not assimilating in their respective countries. Sweden has a huge rape problem from Somali immigrants and the Netherlands aren't any better. 50 years from now I wonder where we will be. Because at the moment, the West is slipping further and further into decadence and decay

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
The only consolation seems to be that just about every other country is on its way down the crapper as well....

Misery loves company, Yogi. And this is the very motto of our current President. He never intended to spread the wealth, his sole intention was to spread the poverty. He's catering to a demographic that would rather spitefully witness everyone go broke, than go out and get a job so they can catch up themselves. That's not politically correct, but tell me I'm wrong.

Often the truth is not politically correct but the difference from then and now is that people weren't afraid to speak out in the name of a fuckin bullshit kumbaya wet dream that will never happen. I can't stand Obama and I very quickly became disillusioned with him after he took office. I'm not sure there's one good thing I can say about him.

I can only hope our next President brings the country together not pull it apart even more than it is

Last edited by rockstar_man45; 11/21/14 11:35 AM.