Originally Posted By: Ville
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti
Supposedly they just promoted a new consigliere (I take this gangster report with extreme caution though because I believe the author HYPES UP the activity of his local mob, I mean I doubt Detroit is anywhere near as viable as his reporting makes them sound, I personally suspect Detroit is just a small gambling ring these days, but hey that's just my opinion as there's nowhere near the activity of NY/NJ area present in Detroit)


Yea, no, Scott isn't one of those guys. He's pretty well versed in the world of LCN, and is an acclaimed researcher on the subject as well as an author. He did the Phil Leonetti book, for that reason alone there isn't much reason for one to doubt his sources. If he has access to Phil Leonetti, there's no reason why his Detroit sources would be that far off.

Scott is very good and I don't think he has ever overstated their power.

Guy has plenty of legit sources, sat down and wrote a book with Leonetti and is currently in talks with Natale for a possible book.

Don't know why anyone would lump Scott in with the BS artists.

He reported this current shift in power years and years ago before anyone else.

Having access to Leonetti means nothing, the guy's a rat, he seeks out people like Scott to make money for himself and talking to Leonetti does not mean he talks to other people still involved. Leonetti has been out of the game a long time now, what does talking to him have to do with getting info from guys involved today? The point that you guys make about the Leonetti book and that he is in talks with Natale to do a book discredits Scotts knowledge in my opinion. These are two of the biggest liars ever associated with LCN. So that leads me to believe his "sources" aren't what he makes them out to be. It's not his fault cause he's writing what they tell him, but alot of shit in Leonettis' book can't be backed up by much, only Leonettis word. Except for the trials and fed reports, alot in that book is garbage. Pussy Phil claimed they were gonna wack Bulger back in the day and the only reason he said that was to get publicity to sell his book cause it was around the time Whitey was caught. That has to be one of the most creditless things a mobster has said. I applaud Scott for trying, but i believe he's getting fed bullshit on alot of matters he's reported on.

Because you think it discredit's Scott, really doesn't mean it discredit's Scott, because it doesn't. How about YOU get access to Phil Leonetti and write best selling book out of it. Or any other Mafia turncoat for that matter. Fact is, Scott's information has always been pretty much on point over the years he's been doing this and sharing information with some of us on other forums and this one, especially in regards to Detroit. So yeah, think whatever you want, fact is most guys who have claimed to have sources in the past and reported things have been outed due to the a lot of the information turning out to be wrong. Scott has been rightfully respected by most in the LCN online community because none of that stuff has been the case with him.

And another thing, Scott never claimed nor wrote in that book anything about Leonetti & co. plotting to kill Whitey Bulger. How you can discredit him because Phil Leonetti said that despite Scott himself never paying any credence to that theory, is beyond me. And it isn't just the informants that you nor I most likely can't get any access to, or close enough for them to discuss their crime life with, it's also the law enforcement aspect of it. Scott has said he also has sources in Law Enforcement. And a lot of his info has matched up with things later revealed through files, and news articles, sometime's released after the information was shared with us via Scott.

And this isn't even about Scott anymore but the book itself, most of what Phil says in that book, is backed up through news articles, police reports and FBI files. Just saying...

Last edited by SinatraClub; 11/20/14 03:14 PM.