Originally Posted By: FrankMazola
I love how the "Cacuzza" mafia guys stay away from the petty bullshit SOA et. al. get involved with. I mean they have to be the worst criminals I have ever seen. They'll roll 8 deep in motorcycles and then stealth in on some guy. Imagine a cop rolling by while 8 or 9 1%'ers are walking up the stairs of some shitty motel holding silenced glocks.

And what's the deal with a gang who's primary source of income is dealing guns who goes around whacking out their customers. I'm no economics teacher but….?

Whenever Cosa Nostra got involved a couple seasons ago on the Frankie Diamonds shit, they ended up having a guy get whacked and a cabin blown up. I could just see it.

Cacuzza: Hello?
Jax: What up, Cacuzza. It's Jax… from SamCro? You know, we're the guys that are always showing up when you guys are trying to do business and end up shooting up the place? God, what would you geazers do without us.
Cacuzza: Oh, Hi Jax.
Jax: So get this bro we're headed into the projects to waste a house full of 19ers.
Cacuzza: Why are you doing that?
Jax: Well last month we were doing a huge meth deal with some 19ers and the Mayans showed up with machine guns blazing, we had a motorcycle chase… none of our guys got shot…so we wasted those guys.
Cacuzza: Uhhuh?
Jax: Yeah, sick bro right? So between going down on his tranny girlfriend, my Sergeant at Arms got the idea that the Mayans probably set us up to get robbed, so we're gonna waste them too.
Cacuzza: Uh……
Jax: Oh, and those ch*nks up in San Fran? Yeah I think we're gonna go waste them too.
Cacuzza: Why?
Jax: My unstable mother, who hated my dead wife, told me they killed her.
Cacuzza: [annoyed] Did she now.
Jax: Ya, so you comin or what?!
Cacuzza: Nah…… I'm okay, I got this nice HMO scam goin on right now and uh… the 9ers are on Monday Night Football tonight… I donno pal… maybe next time.
Jax: Your loss bro.
Cacuzza: ….ya…. I gotta go.

"Jax: Well last month we were doing a huge meth deal with some 19ers and the Mayans showed up with machine guns blazing, we had a motorcycle chase… none of our guys got shot…so we wasted those guys.
Cacuzza: Uhhuh?
Jax: Yeah, sick bro right?"

I lol'd pretty hard.

Last edited by slumpy; 11/19/14 12:51 PM.