Originally Posted By: Footreads
They have the whole movie on YouTube.

I saw that movie when it played in that movie houses. I thought it was pretty good.

I did not know who Joe Pesce was at the time. After I met Pesce I told him I saw the movie. He said while they were filming he had a real fight a fist fight with Joey Cortese and kicked the shit out of him until they broke it up smile

Later I met Joey Cortese at the Mayflower hotel at the beginning of Central park west. I recognized him from seeing that movie. I told him I thought he was great in it. He seemed surprised that I even seen it. I never mentioned what Pesce told me about the fight their was no point.

I always thought Cortese would be a big star, but it never happened.

Great story Footreads...Yea Pesci was still unknown back then. My Pops would see him in and around Jersey from time to time years back, they had mutual friends. He talks a little bit about Jersey in Goodfellas before the famous "I Amuse You...scene". I thought he and Cortese were friends no? and packed up to go out to Hollyweird to try to further their acting careers. I'm glad Pesci made it BIG. Too bad about Cortese not making it.

I read that Ralph De Vito who wrote and directed the Family Enforcer died, ruled a homicide. Let me guess...degenerate gambler panic