Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti
NO WAY! LOL There's no way there is an Italian named "Adolph" LMFAO...

Maybe Adolfo and that's typically more commonly Spanish, but is Italian as well???!!! I swear you hear something new on this board everyday lol....Thank you for the response Lou

yes Adolfo is also an Italian first name.

and given the guy's age it totally makes sense that he was named like that.

certain first names died off throughout the generations but they are nonetheless Italian: Rodolfo, Annibale, Beniamino, Bonaventura, Terenzio, Ugo, Fiorenzo, Benito, etc…

there are many first names that are common in Spain, Italy and Portugal for obvious historic and linguistic reasons: Roberto, Alberto, Mario, Alvaro, Moreno, Antonio, just to name a few