Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
I think Alex is a big boy enough to be able to deal with my "langwich". There is no need for you to jump in here. You´re not helping. Just sayin....If YOU feel offended, you can always call the moderators.

Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Know what my lady back at home acts like ^^^this when shes offended by someone elses different opinion...

Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Really? What did you do? Did you put her in your Lada trunk with your puppy?

Got your PMS again?Dont worry Hairy, you may find that you have similar PMS symptoms every month, but they vary in intensity, or you may have slightly different symptoms every few months. PMS tends to be different for every woman.The symptoms of PMS usually happen at the same time in your menstrual cycle each month, which can be up to two weeks before your period starts.Plus your hair just might grow one day wink lol lol

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good