Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Yeah, that'd be the day if they did that to my kids. I'd leave that district in a heartbeat.

I'm so tired of being politically correct. This country was BUILT on Judeo-Christian values, and yes, Judeo-Christian worship. Now these people can't get a holiday to chant to Elijah Barack Abu, or whatever their pseudo-deity's name is, so everyone has to suffer for it.

Islam is a religion steeped in hatred, and I'm tired of holding my tongue about it. If they don't like it here, they should just leave. They hate us anyway. Because to a Middle Eastern born Muslim, all Americans are Jews. And that's fine by me, by the way. I'll stay here and die next to the Jews before I bow down to those animals and their terrorist ways.

You know, when I was a little kid back in the '60s, and the Vietnam war was raging full force, a lot of the hippies were enraged by the older generation for having an "America: Love It or Leave It" attitude. And for most of my life I shared that anger. Today I'm starting to realize that those old timers were probably right. They really were The Greatest Generation.

this country was built after back stabbing our motherland

you never hear about muslim pastors fucking children, maybe they ain't evil

you're speaking hate but talking about religion.......SMH

Please get an education before you open your mouth on subjects like this. It doesn't pay to look like a fool.

We were not represented in Parliament, we had no say in our own taxation, our rights were being violated. The Founding Fathers were fearful that the slippery slope of no taxation without representation could lead the British to treating them in a manner similar to Scotland or Ireland. We did not care for the aristocracy, the king, or many parts of English society that they deemed immoral or impractical. Our Revolution enabled us to become the greatest power the world has ever seen.

Muhammad slept with girls younger than 14. People in Muslim countries constantly abuse women and force them to cover up and attack non Muslims. That sound okay to you?

Do not let a beef get in the way of seeing things with a reasonable mind. But then I get the feeling you won't listen to this either. You're line of thinking is completely Neanderthal