Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: Jenkins

So all Americans are 300 pounds and wear sweatpants in your mind?

Not all 300lbs obviously, no. But going out of the house in sloppy sweatpants, yes. This is not in my mind, but in reality. If you go out of the house in sweats, unless you're going to the gym, you're sloppy, and I do see it all over the place over here.

I'm in joggers (sweatpants to you americans) about half of the week, it just depends on how you look in them, if you're 40 years old and 300 lbs then it's a no no. Maybe it's just where I grew up but it's natural over here.

It's natural over here too. It's just me. I don't like them. And if people think nobody is judging them based solely on wearing sweats; they're wrong. I do. They're sloppy. If you dress sloppy, you are sloppy. My opinion.

I've never come across a woman that likes sweats tbf, it's not just you lol

Last edited by TommyGambino; 11/13/14 07:21 PM.