Originally Posted By: pmac
I'm really interested in one part of the cicale book who Vito was still in contact with in the bonano family after Georges death. There was way to much money to be made to caught off all dealings with the 5 families. And a lot of guys still have blood relatives up there.

I think there's more chance of the Gambino's working with Montreal then the Bonanno's today.

I don't doubt Vito was still in contact with Massino and co after they killed George but I bet there was tension, obviously after Massino flipped all ties were severed. Even though Capeci seems to think Montreal and the Sicilians in Ny were pushing for Vinny Asaro to be boss a few years back..I call bullshit.

Last edited by TommyGambino; 11/13/14 07:18 PM.