Originally Posted By: mickey2
Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Originally Posted By: night_timer
Well, I lived in Detroit and I heard that Joe was importing booze from Canada, which is only across the Detroit River.

In the early 1920's Kennedy clashed with Detriots Purple gang.Reports say that he smuggled booze through their turf with out their permission.Sotry goes that the gang issued a contract on Joe's life and it was Chicago's Diamond Joe Esposito who cancelled the contract.Diamond Joe had the power to that because he was running a big part of the sugar business in the mid west and had close ties with the Purple gang

but this does not mean necessarily that he was bootlegging. only that he was not willed to pay the gang

If it was in the early 20's,during prohibtion.He smuggled booze into the U.S. which was illegal

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good