Many of the Founding Fathers were deists or some form of Christianity. Though not all were profoundly religious, most if not all always spoke of 'divine providence' including Washington, Jefferson, and John Adams. They combined liberty, reason, free thinking, and freedom with certain religious proponents to create the nation we have today.

We abide by the principles in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. And though we have no official religion as I stated before, we do have culture and we do have tradition.

Christmas and Easter are part of that tradition. So are certain Jewish holidays. Whatever this stupid holiday Muslims want is not. They don't like it, as PB said they can take it back to the Middle East.

Islam, whatever people think it is, is an unstable religion. There is a growing amount of radicals in their communities and homes. There are millions of people of that so called faith that want us dead. No matter how much they're in the minority, it's still large, aggressive and blood thirsty.

As long as I live and when/if I have kids, they will not be exposed to any such inkling of Islamic culture. I don't think any society should be based purely off religion, but if I had to choose one, you bet your ass I'll take Judaism or Christianity.

Our ways should not be compromised to people who have no understanding of it