Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
If people truly feel that way, then perhaps the Republicans should have come up with someone better than that out-of-touch elitist creep Romney. Or picked a better running mate for McCain than that moron with her 3 Alaskan electoral votes.

Knowing what I know today, I'd still rather pick President Obama over the other choices we were given. At least my retirement account has soared, my home value has increased and I was able to find a job. Not so much back in 2008.

Romney may not have been the perfect candidate but he was better than the other sort of conservative rabble that ran. Jon Huntsman was the best but Obama basically bought him off.

These things that have gone well for you, which I am glad that they have, you are wrongly attributing them to Obama's policies. The real-estate market's rebound was entirely self sustaining, and naught to with the White House. Whatever success you have achieved, it was on you not Obama. Because this economy still hasn't rebounded, we are still trillions in debt, we have a giant menace in the Middle East, diminishing relations between blacks and whites and a Congress that has about a 12 percent approval. Did I mention we still have 10 million illegal Mexicans that need deporting? He's not a healer he's a divider.

Obama said himself that this election was a referendum on his policies. Well look how that ended up for him...