Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
If people truly feel that way, then perhaps the Republicans should have come up with someone better than that out-of-touch elitist creep Romney. Or picked a better running mate for McCain than that moron with her 3 Alaskan electoral votes.

Knowing what I know today, I'd still rather pick President Obama over the other choices we were given. At least my retirement account has soared, my home value has increased and I was able to find a job. Not so much back in 2008.

Tell you what I really believe about Romney in his religion they want to help people not just the Rich. I think he would have made a good president because of that fact.

He was demonized by the democrats and you bought that load of shit.

Yes she was a Moron who did a good job in governing a state. More demon using that you bought.

On McCain you did not like him because he choose a bad running mate?

I did not like Obama because mccains moron running mate had a lot more experience then Obama in running her state.

on your 401 k why do you think it is doing so well? Because Obama did such a great job on the economy? smile

only the unloved hate