Cops they were never my friends. Where I lived we were constantly harassed by cops. Everyone makes a big deal about stop and frisk. We were always stopped and freaked and we were not black.

So much so we hid our weapons when on the street. Building had pipes for water and oil, sewers things like that. That's is where we hid our weapons so you did not have them on you. But you can get them fast. I even hid money in places like that.

You guys probably never even heard of people doing stuff like that. Well we did stuff like that.

Well when the cops stopped us for the first time Thry wanted to know our names. So we tell them the truth. When it got to me they would rough me up because they thought I was lying. Because my real name is not Italian. I was with Italians so my name does sound like a fake name. Daddio was an Hungarian Jew who Americanized his name. My mother was Italian.

Then my so called friends would laugh when they roughed me up. Then they say tell them your real name:)

only the unloved hate