That would be Armand Assante that starred in Gotti. Assante is around 65, so that's a bit of a stretch to play a guy who's supposed to be 25-35 years younger.

I'm not a fan of having a prequel. The original series started off as David Chase's life through the Tony Soprano character -- the depression, panic attacks, family dynamics, passive-aggressive mother and angry father -- and took tangents from there. A prequel would lack that original spark of inspiration. For where the timeframe would be, it's an entirely new cast playing the same characters. Not only would there be comparisons of the storylines, but also the actors who play those characters.

There's rumblings about a prequel to "The Wire," and obviously there's the "Better Call Saul" semi-prequel for "Breaking Bad" coming out next year. Going into the last season of "The Wire," there were three or four prequel vignettes, all of which were riddled with continuity errors. We'll see how "Better Call Saul" is, but that might be a novelty and last a season.

To me, all three of the original series are rare gems, and these efforts to create new shows cheapens them.

Last edited by Its_da_Jackeeettttttt; 11/06/14 01:20 PM.