Few questions I'll try to answer here for those interested, although it would appear my credibility is in some doubt, so take it for whatever you think its worth.

First off - is the rash of violence abating? It would seem so, finally. What's significant is that the internal violence seems to have stopped, but there is still violence being directed outwardly. This summer they hit Ducarme Joseph, a street gang leader who may have been responsible for the hit on Nick Jr., so I would say it seems the internal warfare is over for the most part.

As for charts -- I could take a stab at one but I suck at photoshop, etc. so I don't know how I would do that. Also, you'd probably only be able to get photos for like 15-20 guys at most I think.

Scarcella is indeed the family's Toronto capo. Scales is right, Scarcella was Paul the Fox's driver when Volpe was operating Toronto as a capo for the Magaddino family.

With the weakening of the Magaddinos, the Rizzutos expanded west in the late 80's and early 90's and took over the Volpe crew as well as filling the vacuum on the west coast created when Joe Gentile (my handle namesake) fled the country and went back to Italy in 1976. Two powerful brothers represented the Rizzutos out on the West Coast after that, the Papalia twins, Roberto and Tony.

The finishing touch was the rub out of Johnny Papalia in Hamilton (no relation to the twins) in 1997, who like Volpe started out as another Magaddino capo but by the late 90's was more or less independent. Not much left of the Hamilton family today from my understanding, and whatever is left of it would be under Scarcella's umbrella.

Since 1997 Rizzutos have controlled all Cosa Nostra activity in Canada. Unlike the US however, LCN never absorbed the Ndrangheta, mainly in Toronto which is possibly even stronger than the Rizzutos in financial terms. Less street guys and more international brokering/smuggling that just happens to be based in Canada.

Canada is, sadly, a great place for these guys to set up shop. Even known criminals can get by Canadian immigration, we can't do surveillance on them the way the Americans can, and our justice system just downright sucks.

Sorry I'm not better at providing sources for this stuff, I've been following these things for 20 years and a lot of this is stuff I've heard from people in journalism and other areas, but as I've said before you can take me at my word, filter it for what you want or call bullshit altogether -- I got thick skin and couldn't care less.

Hope it helps someone.