I don't take it any such way TonyG - and of course you're free to believe whatever you wish.

Antonio Nicaso and James Dubro are the two most noted Mafia experts in Canada so if you really want to learn more about the Rizzutos I'd start with their stuff. Rizzutos also have a crew in Toronto run by Peter Scarcella, and presence on the West Coast as well. It is far too wide-ranging an enterprise to be 25-50 guys. I can name 25 members myself without making much effort, and just in this thread alone I've probably named 10.

As I said, Project Colisee took 90 guys off the streets and that was right before the body count started piling up - do you really believe that only 25 or so guys that would remain not arrested, based on your numbers, were responsible for the dozens of attempted murders and successful murders that took place in Montreal from 2007-current? It wouldn't seem logical.

Read up on the Rizzutos and tell me at the end of your research if you still think they're only at DeCavalcante/Philly level as you suggest.

I realize it may be hard to believe that in little ol' Canada there is this huge Mafia family, but its the truth. Our extremely lax laws, lax sentencing and lax immigration combined with the extreme corruption that is Quebec government is all of what makes it possible!

But, as I said at the beginning, believe what you wish.