Originally Posted By: cookcounty

those pack rats in the projects were outside watching while mr. holder fired shots

ain't no telling what they saw


were you outside when eric holder fired his weapon in broad daylight?

unless u were then u don't know what happened

the only way u can get shot on the underside of your arms is if they're in the air

or if a magical bullet wrapped around his chubby arms and played a joke

CC : It has come to out attention that Nickeyes was the shooter he's currently at the Cook County Correctional Facility being held w.o bail.
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
do u think the citizens of ferguson are taking time outta their loves to protest for no goddamn reason?

Time out of their lives? What else do they have to do? None of them work.

Pizzaboy I"m suprised at your choice of words here. Your setting a bad example for the younger generation of doctors that look up to you.

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
that pussy cop shot buddy way too many times, and infront of way too many people

So the autopsy proving that this mutt went for the cop's gun means nothing to you. There's a shocker.

Yeah Your Gangster Alright!!
Keep making excuses on why our country is in bad shape just admit your a hump already