Originally Posted By: GaryMartin
Originally Posted By: Toodoped
@DiLorenzo i whould love to have that old slot machine in my living room

@Binnie_Coll thanks for your support buddy.By the way when im gonna post my book, belive me you can save your money because its goin to be free wink

@GaryMartin excelent article my friend.You always find some good infos.By the way i never knew that Accardo was pushed by Sam for the top position...or maybe its a reporters mistake?!What do you think?

@thebigfella as i stated before they wanted to make the book more interesting...for higher sales ofcourse.Heres few statements about the book,and if you ask me they are pure fantasy:

"Larner called on President Lyndon Johnson to maneuver Sam Giancana out of prison on a contempt of court charge."

"As Corbitt advanced in organized crime circles under the patronage of mob boss Giancana, he ultimately began to learn the secret of how and why the Chicago mob was able to operate so freely. It was the partnership with the Mossad — running guns to Israel — that gave the Chicago mob its “get out of jail free” card as far as U.S. government officials were concerned"

"But the arrangement between Giancana and Larner came to an end. Larner, it appears, was almost certainly behind Giancana’s 1975 murder."

"According to Corbitt, he is now certain that many of Larner’s activities were very much a central part of the now-infamous Iran-contra affair that rocked the Reagan- Bush administration during the 1980s."

"The heart of the book is Corbitt's description of Hy Larner, who along with Meyer Lansky controlled organized crime in the U.S.The real Chicago mob boss was Hyman ‘Hy’ Larner, a Zionist like Lansky."

Here's an earlier entry from a member of the forum (StonePark). Very good post and consistent with everything I've read. Other forum members weigh in with comments.


Yeah I remember that thread GaryMartin.Too bad StonePark doesn't post anymore

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good