Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
I heard James (Jimmy) was Galante´s son, not nephew. He was one of the first new guys the Bonannos made when the books were reopened in 1976. Used to drive Lilo around. If I´m not mistaken, Jimmy was the one who actually drove Lilo to Joe and Mary´s the day Lilo was killed. He was later put in Massino´s crew and around 1986, he was under Vitale. At some point, Jimmy Galante briefly served as acting captain for Vitale´s crew before moving his business to Connecticut. I could be wrong, but I think he was active in the waste hauling industry up there, at least for a couple of years. He was born in 1936 and to my knowledge, he´s still alive.

I'm sorry I missed this post back in March, Hairy. But the guy who was in the garbage business up in Connecticut is a different Jimmy Galante, and he's not with the Bonannos. He's not even made. The Jimmy in Connecticut was aligned with the Westside directly through Matty. They made A LOT of money together in the Danbury area. Garbage yards, transfer stations, dumps, the whole nine yards. And he's only a few years older than I am. No way he was born in 1936.

Originally Posted By: TonyBoy117
Yeah the Jimmy Galante with the garbage companies is from Brewster I think, Putnam County, it's like an hour north of the Bronx and is usually considered upstate NY, I know PB has said it before but him and Tommy M were huge

I stand corrected.

Happy birthday PB! (Two weeks late....)

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