Good Evening Binnie,

I think Luciano, Costello, and Lansky were probably more against Vito controlling the Genovese family's heroin/narcotics trade, not against dealing drugs.

The biggest cash crop of the two biggest families (Genovese and Gambino) I believe was narcotics.

When Vito forced his way into becoming Boss, he was taking over the top income sources of the family and diverting the funds towards Boss.

Galante did that and didn't share the money with other Bosses on the Commission.

What Vito and Carmine Galante had in common was their desire to control drug trafficking that was not seen by others as rightfully theirs.

Vito felt he was the rightful heir to becoming Boss, and Carmine thought the drug pipeline belonged to him...cause he was the one who set it up.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."