Originally Posted By: granchild411
Yeah your right nevermind

Im on a search to find my real biological father

I was made around 17 turned down soilder(1) and capo(3) and was just looking for answers to my identity

Im 33 now live around the STL area

Just so I understand:
At 17,you were made,which means you were formally inducted as a soldier.Every made guy begins as a soldier. So then,as a soldier,you turn down becoming a soldier.

Then you also turn down becoming a Capo,(or as you put it,Capo(3). I'm assuming this corresponds to pay grades similar to the Military such as Spec 1,Spec 4,etc.

So I'm assuming that you are an extremely unusual individual. Apparently you were a 17 year old who wielded such clout that you successfully showed the highest disrespect to the Boss of your Family by refusing not one,but two promotions. (I still can't figure out how you turned down being made a Soldier after you were already a Soldier)Time travel perhaps?

Yet somehow,after basically spitting in the Boss's face by turning him down (twice),you are still around. So are we to believe that a person of your stature can't pick up a phone and get a basic record check done under the table?

Sorry if I'm being an as#hole,but you really had it coming.

Last edited by Lou_Para; 10/27/14 01:50 AM.