Originally Posted By: ht2
Originally Posted By: AlexHortis5

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation had virtually no intelligence on the Mafia families, the largest crime syndicates in the United States, through the late 1950s." Mob and the City, p. 220.

As far as national security, Hoover set top priorities elsewhere like the growing threat of Marxist Communism and Nazi spies during WWII etc. People who lean far to the left minimize or ridicule the Communist threat.

Lol--this is a new phenomenon: people criticizing books they haven't read.

TC, as for your other lie that I "ridicule" the Communist threat, on pages 217, I describe in detail Hoover's national security priorities:

"Hoover was not always chasing ghosts though. During World War II, the FBI captured Nazi spies and saboteurs, and it began tracking secret agents of the Soviet Union. In 1943, the FBI recorded a Soviet diplomat paying a leader of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) to develop intelligence on the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb. In 1947, the National Security Agency disclosed to FBI officials that under its 'VENONA project,' NSA cryptologists had decoded messages indicating that Soviet espionage had penetrated the United States government."

Mob and the City
, pp. 217 and 338 n.47.

If you read the endnotes, I then cite to John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr and Alexander Vassilev, Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009), pp. 84-85. Haynes and Klehr are perhaps the leading scholars on Soviet espionage in the United States.

So TC please don't say I supposedly "ridicule" the Communist threat. My family came from a country that barely escaped Soviet domination. I resent you misrepresenting me with total bullshit, when you haven't even read when I wrote.

Last edited by AlexHortis5; 10/23/14 12:26 PM.