Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Originally Posted By: AlexHortis5
No, I do not think that the bosses wanted to give up narcotics given the enormous profit$ they were making. From the 1930s through the early 1970s, Cosa Nostra was importing roughly 80% of the high-grade heroin into this country. It was always about the money.

Nicely said.All the bosses knew about it and took their cut.The main rule was deal drugs but dont get caught.End of discussion.

*^^^^ True Shit... In today's age don't you think these old head's go doctor shopping and are hooked on perks. It's almost a crime to put the guys in their 80's in 90's in prison given their health issues. I think Matty Madonna was caught on a wire saying he hadn't shit in over a week because of the goddamn beans. I always thought that was some hillbillie term for Roxicodone I could be wrong maybe JB m BB had the patent all this time and only let certain people know like the hairy guy abroad

Yeah Your Gangster Alright!!
Keep making excuses on why our country is in bad shape just admit your a hump already