"Well, instead of just believing everything Joe/Bill Bonanno tell you in self-serving memoirs, you can use facts and logic, too."

- Alex, that is what I do. I use facts and logic.

"Even Joe Bonanno doesn't say that they postponed a drug ban in 1956 in order to meet "face to face" in 1957. I don't know where you're getting this now?

This is really weak logic, too. Why didn't the Commission at least issue a national edict in 1956? Why didn't the New York bosses present agree to ban drugs among the New York Families at the 1956 Commission meeting?"

- To my knowledge, banning of drug involvement was not on the agenda at the Oct 1956 Commission meeting. it was never my intention to make you believe it was.

We are going round and round with this without getting nowhere. I know why you are doing this and I´m not going to help you doing this. Let´s just agree to disagree. But it´s funny though...I think there must be over one hundred references and quotes where you use Bonanno as a source in your book. To me, that´s kinda remarkable considering Bonanno is just a "self serving, bull shit coin artist".

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