Complicating matters is the fact that the meeting really never got on. It was interrupted. Therefore we are speculating not on what was discussed, but what would have been discussed. Honestly, even the attendees probably weren't completely clear about what information they would be exposed to.

I remained convinced that the meeting had a great deal to do with narcotics, for many reasons, including the type of gangsters present at the meeting and where they came from. Not only was Carmine Galante there, but also a contingent from Canada (Carmine Galante's Heroin pipeline) and Italy (the Sicilian Heroin pipeline).

Why weren't drugs discussed at the 1956 meet? Maybe all of the parties concerned with trafficking couldn't make the first meeting? Maybe they needed a few months to read and analyze the law before they called a meeting for it in 1957?

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."