Originally Posted By: starviego
The parents of Eric Harris released his autopsy report, which revealed he was on Luvox, an SSRI drug, at the time of the shooting. It is unknown what the tox screen on Klebold showed.

However, the statements of the witnesses in the library, where most of the killing occurred, indicated the shooters were certainly under the influence of something:

Library witness Crystal Woodham
"She said that they(the library shooters) sounded happy, not evil or mean."

Library witness Heidi Johnson
"It was like they weren't even there. I saw their faces .... and their eyes were just kind of like, they weren't there, you know, these boys just didn't know what they were doing."


^ That I agree. This poor, confused bastard has done his research.

"Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."- The Wolf