Originally Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari
Binnie_Coll, use the search button.

It was called by Vito Genovese, but also was called by Tommy Lucchese who remained silent and let Genovese call the shots. Joe Barbara house was picked by Stefano Magaddino, where the commission meeting was held a year earlier, the appalachin meet was not a commission meeting, but was something entirely different. After it was raided, the bosses around the country blamed both Genovese and Magaddino for the foul up, Magaddino even had an attempt made on his life after that.
im in the dark as to the true reason for the meet. theres a new book out and the author dispells a lot of the myths.

" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"