Pot was never my thing. And the truth is, I always dismissed most potheads as hippies and such. But the truth is, alcohol is a lot more addictive than weed. And people under the influence of weed aren't nearly as dangerous as people under the influence of alcohol. If alcohol's legal, then pot should be legal.

And as I type this, I'm sipping an ice cold Ketel One Gimlet (withe Rose's lime juice) grin. [/quote]

believe this 100percent.... and im for sure not biased on the topic.. I hate smoking weed... and I haven't sipped 1 whole beer in probably 3 years.. never liked either substance at all..i think im literally the only person in my age group who doesn't smoke weed. people look at me like I got a dick growing off my forehead when theyre smoking and pass it to me and I decline... haha