Originally Posted By: Ville
You really believe cocaine is the drug of choice these days? I don't know if you realize, but heroin has been the leading drug of choice in the United States since the Oxycontin epidemic started in the early 2000s. It has surpassed cocaine big time in the drug industry, coke still brings in a shit ton of money, but definitely not as much as heroin.

Cocaine is still the number one drug in terms of money. Heroin is more popular in Hollywood and with white suburban kids, but cocaine still dominates in the ghettos and there is more money to be made there selling drugs. The Mexicans and Colombians are making the most money selling drugs. What does that tell you?

From the DEA:
The Drug Enforcement Administration's National Forensic Laboratory Information System also shows strong variation in drug preferences based on location. The laboratory system collects results from state local forensic laboratories that study controlled and non-controlled substances obtained through law enforcement operations throughout the country.

According to the labs, between January and June 2009, methamphetamine was most commonly seen in the West, where it accounted for 25.49 percent of the drugs analyzed by labs in that region. In the other parts of the country, meth was less commonly seen. For instance, it made up only .43 percent of drugs analyzed by labs in the Northeast.

Cocaine, meanwhile, accounted for 33.43 percent of drugs identified by Northeastern laboratories, and 31.1 percent of the drugs analyzed in the South. Heroin was also relatively popular in the Northeast, accounting for 13.53 percent of the drugs analyzed in this region of the country.

Last edited by mulberry; 10/18/14 12:38 PM.