Originally Posted By: Alfa_Romeo
It seems like Tommy Lucchese was Gagliano's representative to high level meetings....for decades. Gagliano appeared in 1931 and then didn't reappear in public for another 20 years. Freaky. Then finally someone circulates the rumor that Gagliano stepped down in 53 to make Three Fingers boss. I'm sorry but that is creepy. It wouldn't surprise me if Gagliano was a sick man for a long time and needed Tommy to rep him in public, nor would it surprise me to learn that Tommy disappeared him. (like Albert did Mangano) and then just quietly took over. It's weird that Bill Bonanno would record a specific commission meeting, called by Gagliano himself, for the express purpose of naming Lucchese as boss. Either Bill was there and it happened, or he wasn't and someone lied to him, and that lie had to originate with Tommy Lucchese himself.

Yes, Tommy Brown stood in for Gagliano for many years as a loyal underboss, Gagliano seemed to be a very private man, but it's untrue to say that Tomasso Gagliano didn't appear in public for 20 years or anything like it. He just didn't attract the attention of the law. Plus, from what I understand, he was very much a white collar mobster. Unions and business infiltration was his speciality.

If Lucchese was going to disappear Gagliano he took a very long time doing it. People tend to forget that Gagliano was older than the earlier boss Reina and when Gagliano passed away he was in his late sixties

Originally Posted By: Alfa_Romeo
[quote]That what makes the omissions so egregious. We already had a cover up happen decades back. I read the excerpts on Onewal from top to bottom. Whatever was deemed sensitive by President Johnson is not on there.

Not sure if you're seriously suggesting there that Faithful is an agent of Governmental disinformation?