Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
Originally Posted By: BAM_233
Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
Manziel will get his chance at some point. A guy like him needs to understand it ain't all about him especially at his age. Guys like Brady, Rodgers, and Brees all had to wait their turn before getting the starting job.

Now guys like Luck, Manning, Cam Newton, and Alex Smith were immediately thrusted into the spotlight because their teams at the time needed it. But Manziel was so heavily followed and touted on during college I think him taking the backseat for awhile isn't necessarily a bad thing. He was an arrogant douche at A&M so maybe he'll mellow out

That is the biggest plus side to all of this, if he matures and with that talent he could do a lot in this league. One thing for sure though, I rather have him on my team then say Jameis Winston.

Seems like college football players are more trouble than their worth these days. The amount of allegations surrounding that guy especially would be enough to downgrade his draft status significantly

The NFL Players' Union was smart to put rookie salary caps to better control the payscale. That prevents knuckleheads from killing a team's salary cap. Ryan Leaf & Lawrence Phillips were two highly paid draftees who did absolutely nothing on the field to warrant their salaries. Now it's less risky from a financial perspective for a team to take a flyer on a player who was troublesome in college. Not that Manziel was, but certainly some team will take Jameis Winston and all of his antics next year. Buyer beware.

I bet the Rams are kicking themselves for that deal they gave Sam Bradford. No rookie should get that kind of money. Thing is Bradford was doing decent before he got hurt last year. Now it looks like he'll never get that knee patched.

My beef with major college athletes this days is that most think they're untouchable because they play fuckin football or whatever other sport. They behave horribly and don't care for the academic side of college that really leads to success. Because let's face it, how many people in a million actually make it in the NFL? Very few

Last edited by rockstar_man45; 10/16/14 01:04 PM.