GWB approved the thing

The CIA has been treating some Americans as gunea pica for years , whether drugs to raise money , try experimental truth drugs on unsuspecting residents , programming killers , numerous hits in the USA , not to mention all the Executive Action hits on foreign government officials including coups in many Latin American , African and South Vietnam , Che Guvera , Rafeal Teujillo geez the list goes on and on . As LBJ said best shortly after taking office " we have a damn murder inc. in the Caribbean . Not to mention attempted hits on Charles De Gualle ,, the Phoenix program that killed approx 20,000 Vietnamese

Let's also not play dumb that the CIA Cuba executive action team didn't hit JFK , post 1992 JFK act it's abundantly CIA and several anti Castro Cubans were the hit squad with help from certain members is the secret service and navy intelligence ( to control the autopsy ) and LHO was no doubt so some of intelligence operative and possible FBI informer . We have several people today that have admitted to killing JFK , David Sanchez Moralez ( a notorious CIA hit man that also killed Che and was the leader of the Phoenix program , John Martino a mafia man that was a go between for mafia $ and Cuban gun running operations , Jack ruby , David Atlee Phillips ( still don't know if he knew about the plot in advance or was in Dallas as part of the cover up team ) and he was a master of cover ops and more specifically disinformation , other strong suspect are Bill Harvey head of CIA group D ( super high up and tight with Morlaez ), Hal Freeney - CIA head of Miami and Morlaz best friend and Awveral a it Castro Cubans like Homer E . who admitted to it , William Setmour and even possibly howard hunt is also publicly admitted , johnny rosseli as well who was a conduit between mob bosses and CIA operatives .

The big ? Is who funded it and I suspect guys like Hunt Oil Clint Mutchinson , mob bosses in CHI , NO and FL a few of whom have also admitted it and some other super high level business mess on oil and defense . Maybe even LBJ but he might only be the cover up team as opposed to the instigators .

There were so many plot on motion it really played into certain of these players hands and many might of thought they were on involved but never were

I do want to stress that the CIA individuals in JMwave , their base in Miami which was the biggest at the time were rouge agents as well as maybe a couple on the Mexico City station. There were other pro JFK or more moderate CIA officials who tried to stop this but could not ( some were in delay plaza like Tosh Plumlee who is still traumatized by not being able to stop it

There are still 1M documents kept secret and I hope we now for certain the key players as it's viral to out country. , our nation has never been the same since and after that the people trust in govt dropped drastically. Not to mention Watergate and don't think for a moment these 2 events weren't connected .

The smoking gun tape had several references to bay of pigs , this is the narrative that destroyed Nixon . We have 2 eye witnesses that were Nixon 2 is establishes that said bay of pigs was code for jFK and this was used to blackmail the CIA to stop the FBI investigation , which it did for a time , and both these eye witnesses were clear how heated sick helms became after this " turmoil they said ", both also claimed rogue elements of the CIA got JFK and did a masterful cover up , they got this info from Nixon who knew these CIA guys as the WH executive that ran the actual bay of pigs event .

Now I know this is nonsense to many of you but at a jfk 50 WC event and 2 vital pieces of info came out . 1 - Antonio Vecciana - leader alpha 66 and a CIA front via money finally admitted he saw David Atlee Phillips wS with LHO in Dallas in sept as he was early to this meeting and AV confirmed that DAP asked AV if an American can simply get a visa to Cuba by showing up at the Mexico City Cuban embassy to which he responded NO . The likely reason of this was to make sure LHO would never get a Cuban visa in Mexico City. 2 - also despite repreating this several time the man who drove LHO to the book depository , Buell Wesley CraIer said in no way could he have for that rifle ( even dismantled ) could never for in LHO small paper bag , never . Bob Blakely , GC for HSCA also stated at this for that the CIA lied to him and thwarted his investigation

Just want to make sure out board members are aware and for the writers that back the WC don't use any of the de classified material from 92-98, this material should have never seen the day and we now know why .

Also the govt official position is the murder " was a probable conspiracy " that the justice dept should re open . The fact they didn't re investigate tells you how high level these people were .