Binnie, here's another example:

The FBI's Lame Mafia Bust

Earlier this month the FBI busted an alleged drug smuggling scheme between New York's Mafia and Italy's Calabrian Mafia.

Of course, regular readers of Friends of Ours were not surprised to learn about the transatlantic alliance. After all, for years this blog has warned that the drug trafficking Calabrian Mafia – or ‘Ndrangheta -- was entrenched in the United States and Canada with surprisingly little push back from law enforcement. Indeed, the crime group is suspected of backing a breakaway faction from the Rizzuto family in Montreal, QB Canada for control over the drug rackets in Montreal and New York, and it necessarily would have to hook up with New York’s Mafia in order to push product in their territory. According to the FBI the Calabrian Mafia has partnered with reputed associates from the Gambino and Bonanno families that are obvious choices given their long-standing involvement in the international drug trade. The only surprise about the bust is its narrow reach into the supposed scheme concerning both smuggling logistics and involved players.

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