Originally Posted By: jipjones
Sry to rant about Johnny Football still no matter wat u think about him. I tjink he got da shit end of the stick im starting to think mayb he should of waited another yr before he enter the draft.. With the browns schedule they could hav a winning season if they resign hoyer it wont be fair to Manziel to sit anothet season or 2 Im afraid Manziel is stuck there and in 2 to 3 yrs teams just look in the draft and mayb johnny doest evrr get his chance if they resign hoyer do u c teams like my bills mayb texans or whomever trying to make a move for him.. Or do u think he might get stuck in cleveland for now..

I felt it was exciting the night we drafted Manziel. But I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. Nobody forced him to leave college early. And while he's done nothing illegal like Ray Rice et. al., Manziel hasn't endeared himself to his teammates and coaches with his antics. Being repeatedly photographed partying and using rolled up dollar bills doesn't go over well for a blue-collar fanfase. And worse yet, this was time that Hoyer was using to learn the new offense and Manziel had the same opportunity. But Manziel squandered it. And I think more than anything, his ego is a bit bruised. He was THE big fish in college. Now he's a 2nd stringer holding a clipboard.

Is this my way of saying Manziel can't play in this league? No. But he's going to have to wait. Whether it's with Cleveland will remain to be seen. If Hoyer stays healthy and maintains the same level of consistency, Manziel could have an Aaron Rodgers type of wait before being Cleveland's starter. In the NFL, players get hurt all the time so I think a 2-3 year wait is unlikely. Plus I don't see Manziel sitting by quietly if he isn't playing.

I could see Manziel succeeding in a Chip Kelly type of offense. But he needs to put time in the film room and in learning to be an NFL QB. He's no longer one of the fastest players on the field. NFL defenses are infinitely more complex than in the NCAA.