Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
nny78. yes, im an old coot. and you are spot on about pot. its harmless, and has a great deal of medicinal value. and you are correct about the opposition spreading their tales about the effects of pot. its not a narcotic. and the propaganda put out by L.E. IS PREPOSTEROUS. and your right about their reasons also. the Italian thing has taken a back seat to the Russians, the Mexican la em, the ayran gangs, the Asians, bikers are now world wide. so, your post is quite correct in your reasoning.

I don't agree that pot is harmless, but it should not be illegal. I've known promising people who screwed up their lives by becoming stoners. The harmful effects are exaggerated and there are some beneficial medicinal uses like you said. It should be legalized, taxed, and regulated like alcohol or tobacco.