Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
well, im glad I live where I do, I don't have to put up with those guys. I take nny78s post to mean that their still busy in new York , and new jersey. guess their here to stay after all,

Binnie, Glad to see someone else on here around my age. I don't think the feds are working that hard at elimintaing the LCN, the drug smuggling or most other OC groups like the Russians because there is just too much money and too many jobs that would be lost if these particular bad guys were completely shut down. I think the Feds allow the LCN to operate in a box and as long as they don't step outside the box they are allowed to continue their bread and butter operations with the occasional bust. An example would be legalizing marijuana. Now almost all of LE is against legalization of weed and they will tell you its because it will cause more harm and create more addicts and blah blah blah, when in fact alcohol causes far more damage that weed ever will. When was the last time you heard of guy beating up his wife after smoking a blunt, never, he's too busy eating cheetos, laughing and watching cartoons. It's the Feds, local LE, prisons, and local governments who are addicted to the money brought in by keeping weed illegal. To borrow an adage from the medical profession, "its more profitable to prescribe treatments than it is to provide a cure". The guys in the US mafia are getting smarter and more high tech everday, there will always be some kind of OC. smile