In 1927, ownership of the General News Bureau was split into 100 shares. Newspaper magnate, Moses Annenberg purchased 48 shares, current partner Jack Lynch bought 40 shares, and the remainder ended up in the hands of Tennes’ three nephews; Edward, Lionel and Mont.Annenberg later took control of the business and installed James M. Regan as his general manager. Afterwards, the Bureau was reorganized and rechristened as the Continental Press Service, and eventually passed into the control of Moe's son Walter Annenberg.

In 1929 Tennes withdrew from the racing wire service altogther devoted himself to his progeny, his golf, and his charity work. He also established a $1,000,000 trust fund, which donated to Roman Catholic, Jewish, and Masonic charities, and ordered $10,000 annually to support a new "character home" for wayward boys, Camp Honor.

By the early 1930’s, most of the underlings that used to work for the old guard were incorporated by the newly formed Chicago Outfit or in some cases, they went missing or got whacked.

Bathhouse John Coughlin died on November 8, 1938, as an old and fading politician and a veteran of 46 years on the city council. After all of the money that had had made over the years, he died more than $50,000 in debt, thanks to bad gambling debts.

Jacob “Mont” Tennes died on August 6, 1941 and his heirs received a $5 million estate which provided for a $2,000 monthly lifetime income for his wife, Ida, $700 monthly to each of his four children, and $200 monthly for each grandchild. His son Ray, later ran a Ford dealership, while another, Horace, became a champion motorboat racer.Throughout his long period of gambling supremacy and retirement, Mont Tennes received from the authorities the usual absolute immunity which could’ve been afforded only by the "big shot" Chicago racketeers and gangsters.

Hinky Dink Kenna passed in 1946. After more than 50 years as boss of the First Ward, there were only three cars with flowers at the graveside and the mayor didn’t even attend. Unlike Coughlin though, Hinky Dink died a millionaire, leaving behind piles of cash, two pints of vintage 1917 bourbon, 11 suits of woolen long underwear and a 1930 Pierce Arrow Limousine.

This article is completed from various infos that can be found on the internet.Cheers

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good