Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
mulberry, my opinion would be. yes, half of n.y.c. and more in new jersey.

You really do have a low opinion of the people in New York City, don't you?

New York cops are no more corrupt than redneck cops (like you'd find in, say, Northern California).

And today? Post 9/11? Forget about it. The rats in Internal Affairs monitor these guys for their entire tour of duty. GPS in the cars, laptops and cameras in the cars, the whole nine yards. And I don't even like the average cop. Not because I don't believe in law and order. It's because the average cop has a misanthropic personality, and I'm more outgoing than that.

But what's right is right. You're making the NYPD out to be the worst of the worst. They police the greatest city in the world for little pay and even less appreciation. They shouldn't be judged by someone living 3000 miles away.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.