Originally posted by Irishman12:
[quote]Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
[b]- People who don't look at you when you talk. Oh my God, I can't tell you how much that annoys and upsets me. What really angers me is that it's sometimes people who I am always willing to listen to long stories from, yet they can't lend an ear and an EYE to me. It just makes me feel like what I'm saying isn't even worthy of being said.
I'm kind of that way where I cannot look into a person's eyes for very long. First I feel that I'm starring & that is rude. But I can't just continue to stare into their eyes as they're talking. I can still listen to them without looking directly at them, but I just CAN'T stare at someone in their eyes for very long. It gets on my nerves. [/b][/quote]When I made this particular "peeve post," I actually considered mentioning the same thing about myself, but I figured it would contradict the whole point of my rant! I have the same trouble with eye contact myself where I can't really look a person straight in the eye, especially for very long. I think my peeve is mainly with people who actually look away from me when I'm talking. My brother and my guy cousin are the main ones who do it, and I'll be telling a story or something, and they'll literally turn around and look a completely different direction. I wouldn't have a problem if they just sort of looked around me, because that's what I often do to people...leading back to the eye contact anxiety, I suppose. It's weird, because it seems I've never been that way until lately. I'm not as shy as I used to be, so I guess I've wanted to develop better social skills by directing my full attention to people when they talk, (since that's what I would appreciate) but I find myself completely tuning out what they're saying because I'm so worried about how long I should keep eye contact, what they're thinking about it, where I could possibly look instead, etc. I'm just happy to hear that some of y'all feel the same way about that. So, what is the BB's hourly charge for therapy, again?


(P.S. The wet feet thing sounds interesting. I think the only way that would bother me is if dirt/sand also got on my feet and stuck to the water...ew.)