Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
as to bill bonnanos assertion that valachi was low-level that's always been the rap on him.

my sense is that anybody who gets made is reasonably well informed about mafia matters and pretty damn competent at what he does for a living (allowing for specialization among muscle work, drug-dealing, and white-collar work)

lots of associates and strivers (at least back then), but only a few get made

now maybe today things are organized differently--certainly the modern-day Genovese appear to keep members in the dark about who is the boss and who does what (and of course 'ndrangheta takes this to an extreme with the Santa)--but i think back then everybody who was initiated into the mafia knew who the other members were ----> indeed, i recall reading somewhere that the entire membership of the NYC mafia (all families, all members) was convened from time to time in great halls, whether by Masseria or Maranzano, I am not sure . . . .